Is Erdoğan Weaker Than He Might Appear?
The Turkish election highlights the growing strength of Turkish opposition despite the defeat and approves of a president who could be weaker than he would like to appear.

When Putin looks in the mirror, what does he see? Not an aggressor as so many are depicting him in the West, but rather a defender of a wounded and misunderstood nation.

Donald Trump has lately been called "treasonous" by some; others say he's violated his oath of office. What are the president's Constitutional obligations -- and who holds the president accountable?

Do you suspect the American voting system needs an overhaul? If so, you're not alone.

The Trump Administration is Trying to Gut the Endangered Species Act
But public support for the act has stayed high. Why do politicians keep trying to weaken the act?

Why Indict 12 Russian’s Who Won’t Be Charged?
Will 12 Russians indicted for hacking the 2016 US election ever come to trial? They may not, but the indictments themselves are an important step in the effort to determine the truth of what happened.

How the FBI Brings Down Foreign Agents
An American pilot. A German aide on Capitol Hill. In the first and second world wars, the FBI effectively uprooted foreign influence campaigns. Today, the agency faces an uphill battle.

US President Donald Trump's attacks on allies and conciliatory actions toward Russia have made European leaders feel more vulnerable than ever.

It’s Clear Who Won the North Korean Summit
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《2021年度网络空间安全报告》公布10大勒索软件攻击-中青在线:2021-1-22 · 《2021年度网络空间安全报告》公布10大勒索软件攻击:《报告》指出,全球约6300个平台提供勒索软件交易,勒索软件在2021-2021年期间的销售量增长了约2502%,恶意分子倾向于加密被感染设备的数据,向受害者勒索加密货币(众比特币为主 ...
“挖矿”两年,获利1500万 - jcrb.com:2021-9-6 · “挖矿”两年,获利1500万 通过计算机运算获取数字货币,俗称“挖矿”。犯罪团伙非法控制100多万台电脑“挖矿”,得到数字货币后兑换成人民币,9名嫌疑人众涉嫌非法控制计算机信息系统罪被批捕

Shame of Antisemitism a Stain on UK Labour Party
Corbyn’s words must be followed by deeds

How Rules-based Trade Made the World Rich
《2021年度网络空间安全报告》公布10大勒索软件攻击-中青在线:2021-1-22 · 《2021年度网络空间安全报告》公布10大勒索软件攻击:《报告》指出,全球约6300个平台提供勒索软件交易,勒索软件在2021-2021年期间的销售量增长了约2502%,恶意分子倾向于加密被感染设备的数据,向受害者勒索加密货币(众比特币为主 ...

India Arrests a Spy Pigeon From Pakistan

Reality Review: Inside Europe’s Refugee Camps